A review by bookishlibrarian
Ordinary Notes by Christina Sharpe


This collection consists of 248 notes, with subjects ranging from museum exhibits to photographs to personal memories. Each entry is very short, often only a paragraph or two, but very dense in terms of ideas and impact. I was not familiar with many of the subjects of Sharpe's notes (my own deficiencies) and came away with a long list of books, films, and writers to explore. I imagine many of these entries would have even greater impact had I more context for its subjects. 

Many of the notes concern ways of seeing or not seeing, and a look not just at the piece of art or writing explored but also its intended audience. Some of the earliest entries concerning museums and what we choose to memorialize--but also how we choose to do so and where we put our focus--were especially revealing and cause for consideration. Though I wasn't familiar with a lot of the subjects, I still came away with new perspectives and new questions to ask to take to other works of art, writing, and news as well.