A review by mnboyer
The Dragon of New Orleans by Genevieve Jack


PopSugar 2019 reading challenge #21

I'm going to be honest and say if you want a detailed, in-depth review that aligns with my thinking, visit the following review: Val's review

I'm not going to go into as much depth because I've discovered a few things about myself while reading this book. (1) It turns out that I didn't realize there were going to be actual dragons in this novel. I know, I know, it says "dragon" right on the cover. I thought it was a metaphor.


But I like a good supernatural story as much as anyone! Vampires, witches, and... sure why not dragons? And there are voodoo witches and sorceresses here so nothing too far from what I'm used to. Sure, Gabriel is my first dragon-man but what's not to love? (Well, he's got a piss-poor attitude but whatever). He's not as cute as I was expecting. A more rugged dragon, for sure.


I was all in. I really was. But then the 'world' did not make sense. I couldn't tell who knew about dragons, who did not, if any mortals really did, why the hell is Ravenna shortening her name to Raven (really, you cannot keep the 'na'), how did he know she was a sorceress, wait, the dragon tooth, you know... I just couldn't "get into" the world. That was problematic for me and about 50% of the way through I really just couldn't do it anymore.

It is a highly rated novel by many, many other readers. It just is not for me. After setting it down, I started looking through reviews (mainly, to figure out what happens -- I mean, a girl needs to know) and that's when I found a few reviews that aligned with my thoughts on the novel. They're better reviews and far more in depth. I'll just say "dragons, maybe not for me" and "the world is a bit... lackluster."

Note: I received a free copy of this novel from BookBub. In exchange, I'm leaving my honest review.