A review by ericarobyn
Behemoth by Pete Kahle, H.P. Newquist


Behemoth by H.P. Newquist is a tale that centers around a biblical monster and a town that will do everything they can to appease the beast…

Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my rating in any way.

When the story begins, we meet a man that is traveling between New York City and his cabin out in the country. As he stops for gas one day, he meets a young girl that is interested in the radio station he’s playing from his car. He’s struck by her charm and curiosity and stops in to the gas station each time he is driving through. One day, she isn’t there. Neither is her father. The man that has taken their place says he doesn’t know who they were.

Our main character is curious and senses something is very wrong. Shortly afterward, he becomes wrapped up in quite the dangerous situation.

Man, there is just something about horror novels centered around religion that gives me the willies…

I’m not religious, but I did grow up going to Sunday School. I know lots of the stories from the bible, I’ve sung many of the religious songs… But the second my parents gave me permission to stop going to Sunday School and church, I was done. Since then, I’ve been working on my beliefs and they all center around fate and karma rather than a specific religious icon.

Anyway, just thinking about what people will do in the name of their beliefs without a second thought or an ounce of empathy is truly terrifying to me… and that was certainly the case here.

My Favorite Passages
He almost got enough air into his throat to scream. Almost. The thing attacked him.

Don’t make light of something you don’t understand. That’s stupidity.

The shadow moved oddly, like a flock of birds or a swarm of bees. It was slithering and flying at the same time.

Information from the past was being lost every single day, all over the world. People were taking knowledge with them to their graves.

My Final Thoughts
This tale will make your blood boil, but you won’t be able to stop reading until the mystery is finally resolved. It was filled with horror, suspense, a deeply twisted mystery, sacrifices, and murder. Phew! What a roller-coaster ride this one was!

If you enjoy horror tales with a dark religious focus, I would very highly recommend this one to you!