A review by woahshereads
The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett


I enjoyed this book but I kept waiting for a captivating twist or an emotional confrontation to engage me & it never came. Although I loved following these characters journey and watching their lives unfold into adulthood and beyond, the timeline and plot jumping I felt was what caused the lack of emotion in this book. It’s a tough story to read if you put yourself in Desiree’s shoes but beyond that I didn’t feel any particular way. & I was so expecting to cry at the end of this book (because believe me, I cry in almost every book I read) but I didn’t find myself emotional at all. 

I can’t speak upon the colorism and trans subjects of this story and I think that is a personal barrier I am working on to overcome so that I am able to have more of an educated review or opinion for books with such a strong message in these subjects. But overall I felt the book, regardless of one’s exposure to such matters, just lacked emotion for a book that felt like it should be packed with it.