A review by thegeekyblogger
How to Run with a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper


Read for Review (Edelweiss)
Read November 2013
Tracking Books Read Review (Short)
Overall Rating: 4.50
Story Rating: 4.50
Character Rating: 4.50

First thought when finished: I would learn How to Run with a Naked Werewolf if it was Caleb (or any of the hot males from Grundy Alaska)!

Overall Thoughts: I love this series! It is actually my favorite Molly Harper series and I think it is because I have been to Alaska. I would love to move to Grundy though and get involved with those werewolves. This book dealt with some pretty big issues too: violence against women. I like how well that was handled and how slowly the relationship between Caleb and Anna developed. The highlighting of the women's shelter underground was fantastic too. It is unfortunate that these types of networks need to exist but it was great to see the good that they can do. Plus, the end of the book made me stand up and cheer! Seriously just an all around good read!

Note: I will eventually be getting this on audio because these are great in audiobook too!