A review by jencunn2024
The Office of Historical Corrections by Danielle Evans


In reality, this is about a 4.75 but it’s the best anthology I’ve read in quite some time so I’m showing the five stars in the graphic. I have had her first collection on my WTR for a while but still haven’t read it. The Office of Historical Collections just reprioritized my list. I want to read more of her work and soon.

All 6 short stories and the title-bearing novella are outstanding pieces of writing tied together by themes of friendship, racism, love, grief, empathy, history, desperation, and uncovering the truth. Each story stands on its own merit. While not quite perfection, Evans’ storytelling is smart and gorgeous as it weaves together layers of characters, backstory and plot. I didn’t feel obligated to love or like every character or even every protagonist. But, I did, with all of their flaws. Evans does a good job of developing both plot and character in a narrow and concise space.

There were several I was unsure about as they began, but her plot-blending and wrap-ups left me with a memorable impression by story’s end each and every time.

The novella is the only slow burn and it is exactly that. It is built on grievances and a touch of mystery, and you go on a journey with her protagonist that is simultaneously expected and unexpected. This one builds slowly compared to the other stories in the book.

My main negative critique is that I think a different order may have been more appealing to readers, but I didn’t mind that overall as I got further along.

My rating for each story would be:
Happily Ever After - 5*
Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain - 4.5*
Boys Go To Jupiter -5*
Alcatraz -4.5*
Why Won’t Women Just Say What They Want -5*
Anything Could Disappear -5*
The Office of Historical Corrections -5*