A review by bookishobsessedmama
Sister of the Bride by Lauren Morrill


3 / 3.25 ⭐️ 

I actually really did enjoy this book once we got into the actual meat and potatoes of the plot & MCs. I absolutely loved Toby. I think from the moment he was written on the page you knew he was in love with Pippin. You could feel it, and once their actual attraction was out in the open 🥵 The spice was well done, i loved their pining for each other. It was all good. I really enjoyed them coming together. 

I also really enjoyed the relationships Pippin had with her sister, Polly, and her family. Plus, i love a romance with no third act breakup. 

Pippin was so so so relatable. I think i adored her the most. She just felt like someone you wanted to have coffee with cuz you got her and she got you. 

My issues with this book was there was A LOT of fluff before you really got into the meat of Toby and Pippin that was directly about Polly and her fiancé, Mackenzie. I really loved them both and love a Gay wedding but i almost thought at some  points i wished the book started with when they met and made it a series - book 1 being Polly and Mackenzie and book 2 being Toby and Pippin. All in all i did really enjoy their story but it took a while to get into it. 

I also felt the title of the book doesn’t really fit? I think the wedding was supposed to be a shock factor as it was a huge shock to everyone written on the page but the reader knows going in it will happen due to the title. 

Finally,  I felt really uncomfortable with the accept shaming. It just really isn’t necessary to a plot or any point to doing it at all. I would have rating this book 4/4.5 without that. If something makes me uncomfortable it’s just a no for me. 

Overall, i did enjoy the book & the characters and would recommend it but would urge the author to just remove the accent shaming because what’s the point of it?