A review by gypsydawn
Reborn by Jaymin Eve


The end of Book 2 in the Shadow Beast Series broke my heart, even though I know, I KNOW, that Jaymin Even would let us down. She is a romance author, one with tons of talent and experience. In other words, she knows how to twist a tale - as well as the knife, in all the best ways possible. 

Reborn affirmed my faith, in spades. Though I was a bit worried about how Mera would accept the current status, I shouldn't have been. Everything may have changed, but Mera is still Mera, AKA Sunshine - and she still has that attitude that carried her through the Library and the Shadow Realm, not to mention Torma. It's that very attitude and determination that galvanizes this story, taking Mera back to where she NEEDS to be.

We get new friends, all the emotions, all the explanations, all the love and ALL the Shadow Beast..... what's not to love? He's more villain than hero and loves in that epic way. A Hero will sacrifice you to save the world while a villain will sacrifice the world to save you. 

This is a solid five-star read that brings this to an epic conclusion while taunting hints of future installments with other characters. Angel? Simone? The options are limitless and I can't wait!!