A review by stephibabes
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro


I enjoyed the premise and set up of this book. And possibly the things that didn't quite do it for me make sense as deliberate devices to support the narrative, but the protagonist and her relationships left me a little flat.

The set up of donors and the manner in which they are created, utilised and exploited by society as a cure is fascinating and stomach churning. The lack of outrage and fairly liberal "but we did our best by you" approach rather than railing against this status quo, did not sit well with me. That too was reflected in the rather repressed behaviour of the characters. All a bit gentile and refined. But I get that in part, this was a deliberate ploy to leave double down on the victimhood of the characters. The lack of rage and desire for justice left me cold. Mebbes a little too middle class.