A review by lizs_book_nook
The Dark Witch by Luna Weathers


This book was full of twisted, mysterious goodness! Miles and Luna Weathers took this story to a whole new level. From the cult aspects, to the otherworldly creatures, to the science imbedded, and all of the brilliantly detailed moving pieces, there was just so much to love and dive right into.

I was constantly kept on my toes, guessing what would happen next. At almost every turn, I could have never guessed what would happen. The twists and turns were truly mysterious and made you think. I felt like a detective trying to iron out each piece of information as I went.

The attention to detail in this book was brilliant! It’s like a picture was being drawn in my mind as I read. Throughout this book Harper grows exponentially, but despite her growth there are still so many unanswered questions. But, she is no longer alone in her journey. The question remains though, where to next?

And that ending…talk about drawing you in with every morsel and dying for your next bite!