A review by _treatyoshelves_
A Parent Apart by Gary Wright


In Beachbrook, on the south coast of England, Andrew had a choice to make. Save his daughter, or save her friend. A decision no parent should have to face, but one that sets in motion a tragic series of events.

With the decision came a dark secret, one that Andrew thought he could keep hidden from his family, his friends and the police.

Two families collide as grief-fuelled recriminations expose the human flaws that haunt us all. The protection of self, the security of family and the fear of losing it all.

This book was so tragically sad and yet intensely gripping at the same time! I am still amazed at how Gary managed to write such a sad story when he has young kids of his own!

The writing is brilliant - it keeps you hooked and always wanting to find out what happens next! I wasn’t expecting the amount of tension that we got, but I’m certainly pleased about that because I love a bit of tension and drama! There were twists I didn’t see coming, and dark truths unveiled!

I don’t have kids myself, but I know that a lot of the people in our readalong chat who have kids did struggle with this read, but still enjoyed it (see trigger warnings below).

I could really envisage every scene in this book, and Gary had some very exciting news recently that A Parent Apart has been optioned by a production company in London, so could be appearing on big screens in future!!