A review by thebritishbibliophile_
Playing Dirty in Alaska by Samanthe Beck


'Serving up exactly what it says on the cover, Playing Dirty in Alaska served and more!

Thank you to Greys Promotions for sending me an ebook Advanced Readers Copy for me to read and review!


Last year, I had the pleasure of discovering Samanthe through the first book in this series, Wild In Captivity, venturing into the previously mentioned novel to discover the world of Captivity, Alaska, and its residents within.

Wild In Captivity earned a very generous 4 star rating from me, so I was keen to see if this read could go that one step further and push through to earn my first five star rating of the year.

Read on to find out!

Playing Dirty in Alaska is a long-ish book that is worth every second reading it. I had a fabulous introduction into the world of Captivity thanks to book one, but book two is where things happened and when things kick into extra gear and get interesting.

The dynamic between the main characters, Bridget and Archer, was just off the charts! With the two of them already having past connections with one another as outlined in the blurb, the fire between them was hardly out but had been set to a simmer. Captivity allows for that simmer to be fuelled into an inferno as the book progresses and once more, they're drawn towards one another via the forced proximity route.

After all, there's only one--of a very few things--to do when forced into a proximal space together. That's right, things get steamy!

Things were tame in comparison with the first book compared to how they are in this one and admittedly so, I like it! The chemistry, both physical and emotional between Archer and Bridget was written beyond perfectly and when we were treated to the physical coming together of the characters again and earlier than expected--which again is a good thing--, my own socks were knocked off along with their own. I love it when scenes get so intense that I have to stop, breathe, and re-read what made me stop and Samanthe certainly delivered plenty of those moments! W-to-the-oah!

All of the above aside, I genuinely enjoyed the storyline and I think I would have done even if I hadn't already been introduced to the world of Captivity thanks to the first book. This is a story so genuine and realistic, everything flows well with one another. From the plot, to the characters, to the way the book is read, I both wanted to savour the story I was reading and hurry it up to its end so I can see if I would get the HEA I knew from the beginning I wanted.

I'm beyond glad that I got to discover Samanthe last year, and this series is definitely getting better as the books go on.

5 Stars!