A review by jayathebookworm
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green


Before I write my review I want to add these words from Turtles All The Way Down,

"And no-one ever says goodbye if they want to see you again."

(Also this is a spoiler filled review)

That is just a handful of amazing writing in this spectacular book, now I know that I have been giving many books 5 stars but honestly, everything I have been reading has been so good. I know that seems really selfish, but anyway back to Turtles All The Way Down.

I am going to start at the beginning and say, yes I struggle with Anxiety so I was going into this book praying that anxiety would be represented correctly because if you struggle with a topic or issue and then that is represented in a book incorrectly it just breaks your heart. But John Green has tackled this monstrous task and created fleshed out human characters that seem so perfect but are so flawed at the same time.

Alright back to the book, our main characters in this book are Aza, Daisy, Davis Jr, Noah, Mychal, and Davis Pickett Sr. The story surrounds the disappearance of Davis Pickett Sr, the father of Davis and Noah, there is a reward of $100.000 for any information regarding Davis Pickett.

Meanwhile, Aza is struggling with Anxiety and OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and her best friend Daisy is determined to discover the mystery surrounding the Pickett family (because they are billionaires).

Eventually, Davis Jr is tired of people meddling in his life so he gives Aza the $100.000 and she splits it with Daisy but Aza doesn't tell her mother, now you are probably wondering where Aza's father is, he died about two years before the timeline in this book takes place.

Over the course of the story, Aza and Daisy's relationship becomes strained because I am pretty sure my friends would agree with what Daisy says to Aza which is pretty much that people with anxiety are really hard to deal with sometimes, because I know I can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

Then a car accident happens which causes Aza to be hospitalized and it gives her an opportunity to think about all the things she has done and all the mistakes that she has made.

After two weeks Aza is out of the hospital and all of her relationships are strained, but eventually, she is able to reconcile with each and every person she has hurt, then Aza, Daisy, and Mychal go to a one-night art gallery opening and Aza and Daisy go on one last adventure.

In a tunnel where Aza is describing what her life is like struggling with anxiety and OCD the two girls realize that there is a horrible smell coming from within the tunnel and they are able to draw conclusions from the Joggers Mouth to this tunnel (Joggers Mouth is a clue that they acquired when they were investigating the mystery of Davis Pickett Sr.) And the two girls discover what they presume is Davis' body.

Later Aza tells Davis Jr what her and Daisy discovered in the tunnel and Davis is beyond consolidation because even though it was Noah who seemed to miss his father Davis really needed him to.

The closing scene is Davis leaving a note saying goodbye, and that is where the story ends.

All in all, this was a book that is not for the faint hearted it deals with some pretty serious topics like OCD, Anxiety and possibly even Suicidal Thoughts. But this book was written so well. There is a particular scene with Aza and Daisy that related to me so much. I know some people are like,

"Oh John Green gets to much hype and his books aren't even that good." But honestly Turtles All The Way Down is just such an amazing book and everyone should read it I guarantee your life will be changed for the better.