A review by ingread27
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo


You don’t need to be an activist to read this book. Maybe you are just an ally. Maybe you’re just a human who cares about all other humans. Whatever your situation, you will find that Ijeoma Oluo has matter-of-factly laid out all of the possible responses and arguments that people give to explain away racism or even just racist words or actions. We live in a racist society, of that there can be no doubt even in 2019. It’s a systemic issue, and this book was super enlightening for me to understand at least a little bit what I could never understand due to the color of my own skin. So if you don’t think we still live in a racist society, I recommend you read or listen to this book from beginning to end and open your mind to see it from another perspective. Everyone will benefit once you do, no matter who you are, because understanding each other in this crazy world is the most important thing of all.