A review by romanceschmomance
Pole Position by Rebecca J. Caffery


Uhm yes! My favorite F1 romance so far :) Pole Position absolutely worked for me.

I thought the balance between the romance and F1 was great. Of course, it's not going to be verbatim about F1, so you'll have to keep this in the fictional space and work with it especially if you're a fan of the sport. It's not going to be all accurate and I was simply fine with it.

Absolutely loved Kian, a racing vet that has had such an amazing career so far. Besides being the top of his sport, I loved getting to know more about him that didn't have to do with his job. His love and devotion for his family, and just how self-aware he was when it came to his mom.  A man that was constantly being pulled in two different directions, my heart went to him.

Harper was EXACTLY what I expected him to be, hot shot driver that got called up. The arrogance and cockiness is strong with him and it went a lot further into the book than I hoped for. As you get deeper into the book, we see the base of his insecurities and why he is the way he is. I wish we got to dive more into his story since at times, it felt like we were only getting the surface level.

Overall, I reallllly enjoyed this one and I couldn't put it down. Definitely looking forward to more from this series.

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