A review by ab_ekpe
Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples: Third Edition by Helen LaKelly Hunt, Harville Hendrix


The book is separated into three parts. Part one discusses the unconscious partnership whereby we select partners who mirror traits we lack in our relationship with ourselves. Part two brings forward the idea of the conscious partnership where both partners have an accurate view of the other and are working towards a shared goal. And then finally, part three introduces exercises couples can work on together to achieve the conscious partnership.

I liked this book! I found it practical and I especially enjoyed reading about the science behind the authors’ technique. The authors of this book are married (both previously divorced) and created Imago Relationship Theory (imago meaning image) which focuses on reducing conflict, eradicating negativity, and providing healing and growth in relationships. It highlights the connectedness of couples and emphasizes mutually beneficial behavior changes.

My one gripe is that there was a heavy focus on the parent-child relationship and how that impacts a person’s relationship with their spouse/partner. Although I agree that childhood trauma and the parent-child relationship can impact how we navigate in the world, I don’t think there was enough emphasis on friendships or past relationships that could also impact how someone approaches a current relationship.

All in all, this is a practical self help book that I think most people would find helpful and insightful.