A review by bohogirl930
Hunter by J.V. Speyer


There’s no stopping from joining the hunt for a serial killer in Hunter a thriller by J.V. Speyer. This book had a taste of everything for everyone. Romance for the women and action packed for the men with paranormal incidents mixed in for those, like myself, who love a little ghost visits coming into people’s lives. Speyer keeps the reader on the edge of their seat throughout the whole book and keeps you guessing until the very end who is responsible for the deaths.

Luis and Donovan were my two favorite characters in the novel. Two lovers who were kept apart for so long, only to be reunited in the worst of times in Boston. When beginning the book, Speyer didn’t give away too much about the characters, but you can tell that Luis was a lonely soul. Being hurt by Donovan over a decade ago, you couldn’t blame Luis for feeling that he couldn’t trust him again. Speyer really brings us into Luis’ head where you can’t help but to feel sad for him. There were times when you wanted to yell at Donovan, but then Speyer makes up for those moments by having him finally open his eyes and see what he’s been missing all this time.

Those were the only two characters I could take to in the novel. The others weren’t that nice, especially to Luis. I get that’s what Speyer was going for, especially when it came to the parts of Luis feeling like he didn’t fit in with the others. Speyer brought to life how others can be when they don’t get to know someone who is on their team.

My favorite part of the book was when Lightfoot came to visit Luis. I’m a fan of the paranormal and it was refreshing to see how Speyer was able to add that into a thriller book. I wasn’t expecting to see him be visited by a ghost and it changed up the story.

I give Hunter ★★★★★. Speyer had my attention from beginning to end and I couldn’t wait to find out who the killers was and if he was going to be caught. I would recommend this book for anyone who loves a thriller, especially a chase involving the FBI. I received this book from Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for a review.