A review by craiglister
Night Shift by Stephen King


Jerusalem’s Lot: 4/10
Graveyard Shift: 5/10
Night Surf: 4/10
I Am The Door Way: 8/10
The Mangler: 1/10
The Boogeyman: 8/10
Grey Matter: 1/10
Battleground: 1/10
Trucks: 2/10
Sometimes They Come Back: 8/10
Strawberry Spring: 8/10
The Ledge: 7/10
The Lawnmower Man: 4/10
Quitters, Inc: 8/10 FS
I Know What You Need: 4/10
Children of the Corn: 8/10
The Last Rung On The Ladder: 5/10
The Man Who loved Flowers: 5/10
One For The Road: 7/10
The Woman In The Room: 2/10

Overall Book Rating 5/10:

I should start by saying I'm not a fan of short story collections. It's irrelevant who writes them and so my review will be coloured by that. You might be wondering why did I read this book then? The answer is simple I want to read all of King’s fictional books and this one is the next in line. There are some good stories within this collection. But there's more bad than good. A lot of the stories feel very pointless and none of them have an overriding theme that connects them. Some even feel like they were abandoned novel ideas or excerpts from other novels he has written and then there's some that I wish were full novels for example, “Sometimes They Come Back,” “Strawberry Spring,” and “Children of The Corn”. These three stories could have made excellent novels in my opinion.