A review by sofsm
By Sin I Rise: Part One by Cora Reilly


”Vitiellos don’t kneel.”

By Sin I Rise is the first installment of Sins of The Fathers and Part I of By Sin I Rise duet. And what a good way to start this series.

Marcella Vitiello is more than the typical spoiled rich girl. Living in a traditional world but with the freedom her father gives her, she can’t stop wishing for more. She has many dreams, one of them being find love like her parents have. Maddox saw his father and MC family being slaughtered by Luca Vitiello. Years wishing for a change for revenge, he and his MC finally find it through Luca’s daughter, Marcella.

This is the start of a forbidden romance. One that Maddox and Marcella have everything to lose and hardly anything to win. Revenge and knowing the enemy doesn’t stop them from falling for each other, the problem is their current situation and aftermath.

“It’s better to die standing up than to live on your knees, Snow White.”

To me, Maddox is the star of this book. He’s simply AMAZING. I love Remo/Cassio/Savio and thought it was hard to top them but Maddox came like a wrecking ball. I don’t want to give much details because of spoilers and the best part is to enter this without knowing him but he’s all I wanted him to be and more. Also, he’s quite unique, I can’t compare him to any of the previous male characters. I want to scream to the world how I need more of this man.

Marcella is a good protagonist too. She truly is Luca’s daughter and I admire her love for her dad and family. She’s the typical spoiled rich girl but not bratty (thank god), her dad truly made her a princess. I felt for her through the book but her growth was fantastic. She definitely came a long way and has more to give.

It was SO good to see Luca and Aria again and finally meet Amo older. I truly love Amo, these events really have an impact on him. Luca is just beyond this world. I was so sad for him but also so proud for the amazing dad he became. Aria is still the sweet girl we know but not fragile as everyone thinks.

The book being split in two, was a good choice. I often I’m against this because it’s not necessary but the first book is used to build them as characters and their relationship. There’s too much happening to them, so many things they need to figure out and overcome that having all in one book would be too much and the best is to not rush it or leave things unanswered. Give them what they deserve and the ending they should have.

By Sin I Rise: Part I is a rollercoaster and I couldn’t stop myself from feeling for these two. I truly hope they can find their happy ending soon. Despite ending in a cliffhanger that left me anxious for Part II, it’s more suspenseful than hurtful so it gave me a bit of peace.

Now, can By Sin I Rise: Part 2 come fast? Because Maddox White has my heart and soul and has me around his finger. I can’t stay this long without him.