A review by git_r_read
Who Buries the Dead by C.S. Harris


I really like this series, especially this book, even though it's 10 books into the series and I haven't read the books in between 1 and 10. It's still an amazing story and very well-told.
I enjoy historical mysteries to get a glimpse of what it must have been like. When the author does the wonderful research necessary to make the reader feel like they are right there in the moment, it's sublime. This is that book and series.
A little name dropping with Jane Austen as one of the characters introduced here. I liked her. I like Sebastian St. Cyr and his wife. Strong-willed and tough fiber.
There's a lot of unravelling to do and we follow Sebastian follow all of the leads, many to wrong ends. I like that it was jumbled and not streamlined like sometimes books can be. Each lead made sense. Until they didn't.
I do plan to read the whole series, likely not in any kind of order since I've started that way.
I can definitely recommend this book, series and author.