A review by witandsin
All I Want by Jill Shalvis


My review cross-posted from Wit and Sin: http://witandsin.blogspot.com/2015/09/review-all-i-want-by-jill-shalvis.html

All I want is a Jill Shalvis hero! In Parker James, Ms. Shalvis has once again delivered a strong, sexy-as-sin, loveable hero – and this one adopts kittens. How could I not melt over Parker? This USFW special agent infiltrates and takes down wildlife trafficking rings and more, is a loving brother and good friend, and slides right into Zoe’s life, knocking down all her shields. Parker isn’t perfect, but he’s a perfectly delicious hero and deserves an equally amazing heroine to give him the love and sense of home he never knew he needed. He finds that in Zoe Stone, the sister of Parker’s friend Wyatt. Zoe is a hardworking, smart, quirky, funny as hell pilot. She had to take on far too much responsibility at a young age and she’s also been badly burned by love. This means she’s used to being the boss and is afraid to give her heart to anyone, least of all a man who is only in Sunshine for a short time. I absolutely adored Zoe, felt for her, and was rooting for her to take a chance on love with Parker. When she does…well, watch out, because All I Want gets seriously steamy.

All I Want doesn’t just have a sweet and spicy romance – it has laugh-out-loud humor too. Parker and Zoe have absolutely sparkling chemistry and their back-and-forth made me grin. And this wouldn’t be an Animal Magnetism novel without animals, so of course a lot of the humor comes from Oreo the Bernese mountain dog and two crazy kittens. Ms. Shalvis knows how to make readers smile one moment and melt the next, and this is definitely the case in All I Want. Add some scenes involving the James and Stone families and a dash of suspense in the form of an illegal antiquities dealer Parker is determined to catch and you have a truly well-rounded book, one that’s pretty much impossible to put down.

All I Want is the seventh book in the Animal Magnetism series, but you don’t have to have read the previous six books in order to enjoy Zoe and Parker’s story (though the series is fantastic). So whether you’re a longtime fan of Sunshine, Idaho or are visiting for the first time, prepare to sit back and enjoy a wonderfully entertaining romance.

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.