A review by pattydsf
An Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination by Elizabeth McCracken


I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Elizabeth McCracken. Several of her stories and books have been set in libraries. She is a librarian herself. How could I not love her books. The fact that she is an excellent writer doesn't hurt.

Now the spot in my heart for her is even bigger. She went through her entire first pregnancy only to have her first son be stillborn. I can only guess at the pain. I had the pain of a miscarriage with my first pregnancy and I know that my one friend went through a very similar experience to McCracken. I know that these childbirth experiences are much more common than I would like to believe. It was hard enough to live through such things. How someone could write about them is beyond me.

Not completely beyond me now that I have read McCracken's story. I will always be grateful to her for finding the words and the space to write her story.

This is not a book I would recommend to most people. It is well written and I am very glad I read it. But the story is heart-breaking and difficult to read.

When any disaster strikes you have to live through it AND realize that you have to bring the two halves - before and after - together. With the loss of children it seems especially difficult because people don't want you to talk about the before. McCracken has brought the two halves together in a way I did not think possible.

I am very grateful. Thank you.