A review by trueperception
Forgotten Realms: The Legend of Drizzt Anthology: The Collected Stories by R.A. Salvatore


The First Notch 4/5

Dark Mirror 4/5

The Third Level 4/5 *

Guenhwyvar 4/5 *

That Curious Sword 4/5

Wickless In The Nether 4/5

The Dowery 4/5

Comrades At Odds 4/5

If They Ever Happened Upon My Lair 4/5 *

Bones and Stones 4/5

Iruladoon 4/5 *

-Oh my gosh! I absolutely loved where this story went. I was absolutely pissed at the ending of Ghost King (at what happened), and this makes it known that Salvatore didn't just throw away important (from my view) characters, due to not liking where the Realms were pushed. I'm quite interested and excited to see where he takes Iruladoon!

To Legend He Goes 5/5 **

-Even though it seemed to start out a little on the far fetched side, I absolutely loved this story. I feel a little silly giving such a short piece 5 stars, but it is utterly perfect in it's resolution (temporary?) of the character of Wulfgar. It even had me a little teary towards the end. I really must reiterate, I can't wait to see where Salvatore goes with this!