A review by pwbalto
Savory Cocktails: Sour, Spicy, Herbal, Umami, Bitter, Smoky, Rich, Strong by Greg Henry


This is going to be catnip to those of us who love a Bloody Mary, who put hot sauce in tequila and a strip of bacon in a shot of bourbon. Wait I just lost my train of thought. Bacon. Bourbon.

Brrrr- I'm fine! Right from page 6, our buddy Greg Henry distinguishes this book by offering some really interesting syrup recipes. I make ginger, mint, and lemon simple syrup all the time - it's ridiculously easy - so I'd be totally up for keeping some Habanero Agave Syrup (thinly sliced chile, 1/2 cup warm water, 1/2 cup agave syrup, stir it up, let sit an hour, strain) in the fridge.

He also includes directions for making your own bitters, shrubs (infused drinking vinegars that mix divinely with gin), and infusions.

The cocktails are divided into the sections indicated in the subtitle, and hoo hoo! - smoky cocktails? Yes please!