A review by shriti_sunshine
A Married Woman by Manju Kapur


Recently, a new web series showed up that was based off this, and I remembered that I had indeed read this book during my graduation.

I was a naive girl back then. More or less resigned to follow the 'graduate, get married & settle down with family (kids)' path as I had seen my seniors around me do. This book opened my eyes to what I'd suspected: a lot of people engage in the charade of a happy married life, without taking the time to develop their individualistic self... Choosing to be one half of a jigsaw puzzle than being a complete human being in their own right.

I won't say the author changed my life, but if I look back today, her work, this book in particular, encouraged me then, to find what made me ME rather than trying to fit into someone else's life & chase that elusive happily ever after. (11 years later and it seems easier to just give in and lead life as per society's dictum, but resist I must!)

P.S.: Bonus points for writing Astha and Peeplika’s relationship so tenderly, sprinkled heavily with both courage & grace! This book came out in 2002; realistic LGBTQ representation in that day & age is nothing short of a commendable job and definitely beehoves an additional star IMO.