A review by naomilane
Hard as It Gets by Laura Kaye


Can I just say that I love the cover? Yes? Okay. I love the cover!!!

Hard As It Gets is my first full length novel by Laura Kaye. It was a good book, with a nice and solid story but it wasn't extraordinary. The plot in itself was good, even at the end of the book, there are still lots of questions unanswered, lots of things to discover and I am actually really excited for the other books.

Nick is really tough, really "hard" and I can totally understand that due to his past in the army. At the beginning of the book he's very cold and unfriendly with Becca but throughout the book you understand why he is actually like that, what really happened in his past and why "everything" is linked to Becca. Even though all of this, deep down, Nick is still a very loyal man and when Becca asks for his help and he realizes that this is actually a serious situation he goes and helps her because he's just awesome.

Just a thing, to understand my review a bit better read the synopsis before but I'll tell you something that is not mentioned in it: keep in mind that Nick and the rest of his team "left" the army because of something Becca's father (he was their commander) did and, of course, Becca is completely unaware of all of this.

Becca is a good heroine. She loves her brother fiercely, she lost a lot of people in her life, her mother, her older brother and her father. Her only family is Charlie and well... now he's been kidnapped. She's ready to do anything to find him. Becca is a brave heroine, she still is very afraid and new to this world of kidnapping and stuff but like I said before, she loves her brother, she wants him back and she will do anything to get him.

Nick and Becca are attracted to each other right away. She finds him hot and he finds her hot. You know, the usual. But it's not that easy... First of all, Becca is not there for that. She wants Nick's help, she's not ready for anything else, she actually feels kinda guilty about feeling this way for someone when her brother might well be dead and Nick doesn't want anything to do with Becca because of her father, it feels wrong for him. But as the story evolves, they spend a lot of time together, they learn to know each other and well... you know, one thing leads to another and SEX happens. And SEX is hot. Laura knows how to make SEX works in her books!

We also meet Nick's ex-team: Marz (my love), Shane, Easy and Beckett. Nick calls them at some point in the book because he realizes that the situation is more dangerous and serious than he first thought and he needs their help. I loved them all, they worked well together and I cannot wait to read their stories.

They were some really funny moments too. The dog for example. Becca finds this little three-legged German shepherd puppy and throughout the book they're all searching a name for her. This was just hilarious. There is a scene in particular that made me laugh pretty hard!

So, like I said, it is a good book but I don't know, something was missing for me. I wasn't completely hooked. Personally, I found some scenes too fast, at times I didn't have time to get into the story and this was frustrating. I also would have loved more action/suspense. But I'm hoping we'll have more of that in Hard As You Can.

Laura is a good writer, I loved the sex scenes, there aren't many but they were hot and she wrote a book with a nice HEA but she left us with plenty of questions for the next ones!