A review by atrailofpages
Frozen Hearts and Death Magic by Day Leitao


This book is described as being told in a telenovela-inspired style, and boy is it! This is probably one the most frustrating and drama filled reads I've ever read. Not in a bad way, it just took me by surprise and I wanted to smack everyone.

This book follows multiple POVs, primarily Naia(short for Irinaia), her twin brother Fel(short for Isofel, which is such a cool name!), River, and Leah(short for Leandra). In this world, the fae have disappeared after a war with the humans, and only humans from the royal families have magical powers. Naia and her brother are Ironbringers, with her brother being one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful. Naia meets River, a light fae, gives him a kiss and he disappears. A year passes, and Naia, her brother Fel and their father travel to Frostlake where there is a gathering of all the kingdoms and where Leah resides and who is to meet her potential spouse at this gathering. While there, many events occur that cause strife to occur between the kingdoms. Leah is not supposed to be interested or marry Fel, Naia meets River again, everyone is attacked by the fae during this gathering, and then they gather to figure out a way to stop the fae. Disagreements occur because some think it is the fae causing attacks in the kingdom like the one at this gathering, and others think it is one of the human kingdoms. Thus, begins what may turn into another war and the many lies and secrets held in each kingdom may actually cause a rift between the human kingdoms.

First off, I will say a lot of detail went into this story and the world. I thought it was a very unique world with unique style of magic, and that humans have magic, but only royalty. The fae are viewed as evil, and you wonder that when you meet River. I mean I wondered about that the whole book lol. Naia and Fel are Ironbringers, Leah is a necormancer(or is she) and others have many styles of magic and each of their kingdoms are so unique. I really wanted to learn even more of this world, especially he fae since it seems they dwell in a parallel world from the humans.

Now, this world is also based on so many secrets, lies, and oh so much withheld information, especially from this kids. It frustrated me so much when the parents refused to tell their kids vital information because they thought they were protecting their kids, and expected them to just be okay with the lack of information(which the kids were, like what? I would be demanding answers!), and yet it did not really protect the kids in the end. This is primarily the reason why I couldn't give it 5 stars because I just did not enjoy the lack of communication between everyone, especially the families, and the unnecessary drama that came about because of that lack of communication.

Now, aside from that, I really enjoyed the characters. The sibling relationship between the twins is just adorable and everything I want to read in a book with siblings. They protect each other, they love each other, and oh do they support each other. Sometimes Fel amazed me with his unfailing support of his sister and her decisions and opinions. Then the romance between Fel and Leah...I will only that it is the most heartbreaking, frustrating, beautiful romance. I couldn't get enough of it. (Oh and forgot to mention, Fel has iron made hands and fingers that everyone views as crippled, but as Leah says, he has magic hands, and they are beautiful just like him). And then River. He was such an enigma the entire book. I never could put my finger on him and who he was truly as a person. He was so sus all the time, and yet you can't help but love him! There is so much mystery around him, the whole time you just want to know the truth about him and the fae!

I was unsure what to rate this book since in all honesty, it frustrated me to no end. However, I could not stop reading. I needed to know what would happen, it kept me on my toes, and I was so intrigued by the magic, the world, and the romances that I just had to know everything. I give this 3.5-4 stars and I do recommend this book if you love unique fantasies, with unique worlds, a unique magic system, fae, and beautiful, heartbreaking romances.

Thank you to the author for a free digital copy to read!