A review by cr4nkyp4nts
One Weekend in Aspen by Jaime Clevenger


What to say about One Weekend in Aspen... Well, the first thing I'd say is stick to the ebook instead of the audio. I struggled to get into the story but couldn't get past the voices the narrator chose. It was killing it for me. I finally decided to quit and nearly didn't pick the ebook up but I'm glad I did.

I don't think I've ever read a romance novel that involves a sex party before. I think Jaime Clevenger did a nice job of making that work. We got a nice assortment of secondary characters that really didn't have any depth but that was fine. Katherine was a bit much and I don't see why anyone would want to befriend her but, meh, okay.

The two protagonists were good together and had a lot of chemistry. Emily's ex, Cass, was so incredibly over the top awful - and she got worse and worse as we went along - I found it impossible to believe and, between her and Katherine, liked the book less because of it.

But it wasn't a bad read. Plenty of angst and hot sex. And I really liked Alex a lot. I felt for her and was happy that she found some happy.

Thanks to Bella and Netgalley for the ARC ebook!