A review by bookishlifeofbrie
More Than Words by Jill Santopolo


More Than Words is a story about loss, love, and figuring out who you really are once the dust settles. Our main character, Nina, is the heir to the Gregory Hotels in NYC, and her entire life has been edited, molded and lived by these hotels. Her father is a well known public figure and the Gregory name must always be in good standing.

Nina loves her father more than words, but Mr Gregory is terminally ill and Nina is forced to confront all that it means to inherit the hotels. Right now though, Nina’s heart lies in politics, where she is a speech writer for Rafael, one of the candidates running for mayor. There’s something about Rafael that makes Nina’s heart race and she starts to question not only what her future holds, but also that of her relationship with her lifelong best friend, and now boyfriend, Tim.

As Nina’s world starts to fall apart, will be able to find a way to live her life for herself, while also honouring the Gregory name? When secrets are uncovered after the death of a loved one, how do you move forward and how do said secrets alter your memories and feelings of the past?

More Than Words was a beautifully written book and I enjoyed it immensely. The character development was great and I really felt like I could picture what life was like for Nina in upscale NYC. I was sad when it ended! I wanted to keep reading about the characters and where their lives were going to go.