A review by bookwormtherapist
Practicing Patience: How to Wait Patiently When Your Body Doesn't Want to by Jennifer Law


Patience is a difficult concept to teach and incorporate into counseling. I myself am definitely not a patient person. Recently I saw a tiktok where a woman described a conversation between a father and his child in line at the grocery store. The child was impatient and the Dad told her that they had only been in line for 5 min. When the kid said that was a loooong time, he asked what she would think if she only had 5 min to play at the park. She knew that wouldn’t be enough time and Dad used this to talk about perspective. “Time flies when you are having fun…” He then engaged her in a word game to help the time pass.

I thought of that video when I began reading “Practicing Patience” by Jennifer Law. In this sweet picture book, Gabe is having difficulty waiting his turn. He is excited and ready to take on life. Lines, turns, and transitions are hard for Gabe to manage. As an engaging comical twist, Gabe’s shoes begin talking to him and help him develop skills to help him develop skills that allow him to wait patiently. Like so many books available through Boys Town Press, Practicing Patience has bright, engaging illustrations and solution focused affirmations. I haven’t had the opportunity to utilize this gem of a book in my clinical practice as it has just been released TODAY but absolutely intend to add it to my bookshelf rotation. Developing self control, harnessing impulsivity, and practicing patience are skills that are often goals identified by parents when they bring their young kids to counseling. Law, a school counselor, certainly understands how important these skills are in order for students to be successful within the school milieu. After meeting sweet Gabe, I can’t wait to read Jennifer Law’s other book “Pause Power.”

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to provide an honest review.

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