A review by pinks_paperbacks
I've Never Been (Un)Happier by Shaheen Bhatt


Wow, what a book! No, its not a literary masterpiece or a unique perspective/discovery of a subject. What it is is genuine, and heartwarming. Every book we read we take something from it. Even the worst books of our lives has given us something (perhaps a caution against choosing books lightly). Two core things, I have realised, that books give us a chance to learn, and feel the story, often times simultaneously. Sometimes they are either a lesson or are relatable, conditional to each individual and the place (figuratively and maybe even literally) they are at the given time in their lives.

While reading this book I had a constant smile, sometimes a brisk laugh or two in between sentences and not because of some sadistic pleasure. But from the fact that parts of her story felt so relatable as if I was swimming through my own memories. I had bought this book when I thought it could help me and thankfully I didn’t read it then. Reading it now makes me appreciate her story so much more than I would have felt had I read it earlier. And quite frankly I did not expect this to happen, more so because of my pre-concieved expectation from a book witten by someone who, willingly or unwillingly, has been surrounded by so much limelight.

It’s not just the story that makes me appreciate the book but her style of writing as well; crisp with a laver of subtle sense of humour. Irrespective of you learning something or not or relating with her story or not, you must most definitely read this book.