A review by literatehedgehog
Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do It Once and Do It Right by Jamie Glowacki


Helpful advice, but should be edited much more heavily. Glowacki, I don't want your advice on preschool, media, scheduling, diet, and whatever else you want to push on me. I want your advice on how to potty training my kid effectively, that's it. The "I'm just so saucy" attitude was grating, but fortunately, we are adult readers and can skim whatever we don't want or need to read.

So, like I'm finding most potty training books, some things are useful, many things are not. Plus side, this book is very specific, many detailed ideas and suggestions. I like examples. I don't want to drink the caveman diet Waldorf school koolaid. Win some, lose some.

Some of these ideas are maybe effective? I'll let you know when my toddler has three days straight of dry undies.