A review by hlparis
Mary and the Trail of Tears: A Cherokee Removal Survival Story by Andrea L. Rogers


This is part of the Girl Survives series that is much needed. For years, there has been a series that features mostly male children surviving historic events. This story of Mary and her family is well researched and very moving, yet I know it only scratches the surface of what the experience of Trail of Tears was like for Native Americans.

Rogers is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. In the back of the book, she includes a note about the Trail of Tears, a glossary of Cherokee words used in the book and even a few discussion questions. This would be a great teaching tool for the classroom and is perfect for middle-grade students. It's a short book packed with information and a devastating yet insightful story about Indian Removal in the US. Too many people don't understand (or even know about) the Trail of Tears and this is an excellent primer for discussion about a part of our history that absolutely should be taught.

Someday I would like to read more about this topic. In recent years, I have been making a point of reading more books about the Native American experience and point of view since I did not read any for so many years and really didn't get taught anything in school that I can remember.