A review by tyrshand
Summer of the Dragon by Elizabeth Peters


I loved the D.J.'s character in this novel. She was just so refreshing and fun. Intelligent, opinionated, happy with herself without having to conform... Sarcastic and realistic enough to not be bothered by all these expectations around her... (even if she was not a great archaeologist) Speaking of the archaeology... I loved the anthropology references in the book. I'm guessing Peters had an American anthropology background, because the information was good (though not deeply explored -- the anthropology was well measured flavor, not the purpose of the book).

I was expecting a solid mystery because I've read books in the Amelia Peabody series. This is not really a mystery. There IS a mystery in it, but it doesn't show up until near the end and it's resolved fairly quickly. No, this is more an adventure with an interesting setting and cast of characters. It was intensely pleasurable and satisfying to read.

And, if you happen to have ever been a graduate student or are one now... i think you might get an extra kick out of things.