A review by kienie
Thomasina by Paul Gallico


4.5/5 stas.

I will need some time to sort out all of my feelings regarding the religious aspect of this book. It seems to promote a sort of individual spirituality and belief in a divinity. It offers this belief as a balm against the pain of everyday tragedies. A part of me respects this approach, but another part of me wants to bundle those people up and get them some grief counseling. The way the story is told makes me emotional, and those emotions vary from one moment to the next. Fury, pity, sadness, tears and joy.
I do not like how Thomasina's POV fits in. The tone is completely different from the rest of the novel; it's jarring. Also, is she a stand-in for fate? Chance? God's unknowable plan? I will have to think on it, but regardless, her parts seemed to belong in some different novel. Not thematically, but stialistically.