A review by lrc52
This One Wild and Precious Life: A Hopeful Path Forward in a Fractured World by Sarah Wilson


The obnoxious privilege and judginess of Wilson ruins this book.

Case in point: Apparently, in an effort to cut down on food waste, she takes leftover butter from not only her own meal, but other diners meals. Literally, goes from table to table and asks for people's leftover butter. She's so "charming" she can get away with this. Can you imagine a person of color, a poor person, a homeless person, a fat person, a not so pretty person getting away with this? Hmmm..

Also, scattered writing, sketchy conclusions, and hubris.

Also, romanticizes mental illness.

Also, as an environmental activist, she should know going vegan is one of the most important things someone can do to fight climate change--and stop jetting around the world to hang out with other pompous people and wander through mountains. (I'm not vegan. It just is a fact.)