A review by chroniclesofabookreader
Premiere: A Romance Writers of America(R) Collection by Laura Kaye


I absolutely loved this collection of short stories. It was a varied mixture of different genres that all had something to do with love. Whether it was about a second chance at love, finding love in the most unexpected places, or rekindling past flames, they were all incredibly great romances that I truly hope are just precursors to more in a series. I want more from each world and each author.

“Even in the dark, he saw the flush creep up her cheeks. A slow smile spread across his face. He was the guy who always had a comeback, but he couldn’t have spoken just then.” – Station 12, Amber Lin

I’m going to sort of skip around a bit and not mention every story (because there were a lot of them), but regardless of if I don’t mention certain ones, I loved them all–it would just take way too long to mention them all. First, I’m going to start off with Ms. Sylvia Days’ novel Hard To Breathe. Holy cow, that one was feisty and hot, and paranormal. I truly enjoyed the passion and sexual tension that could be called upon in such a short amount of time. I definitely want more from this story, or from another novel in the series. In T.L. Costa’s novel The Poet, I found such funny humor that I was giggling and embarrassed, and I wasn’t even in the story. In Tanya Michna’s novel Under A Wicked Moon we get some sexy werewolf loving that I would love to get more of. I loved the romantic suspense in both Cindy Gerard and Allison Brennan’s novels. Oh, and Laura Kaye’s story with another hot tattoo artist? YES PLEASE! With Sabrina Jeffries’ novel we get some taboo-loving sexual angst that was killer. Historical romance is so difficult for some readers to get into, but if it’s done correctly as it is by Ms. Jeffries along with all others in this collection, it can be an amazing story.

“I’m cursed. Yes, I mean cursed. I’ve had a crush on Hannah Smith for as long as I’ve known that girls grow boobs. So, um, for a while now. Like, for years and years.” – The Poet, T.L. Costa

Some of these authors were completely new to me, while others are like old friends. Whenever you buy a collection it’s usually about looking for the authors you know and buying because they are in it. Let me tell you, you may do that with this one but it won’t be what you come out of it with. You will read every story, you will find authors that you will enjoy their writing style and want more of, and you will love those favorite authors even more. I truly enjoyed every single story in this collection and that is no lie. Each story, while not novel-length, is completely perfect for being novellas. There’s a beginning, there’s a middle, and there’s an end to each one while still having substance, a connection, a sizzle, and some angst. Happily Ever Afters are present and perfect (for how each story is supposed to be).

“‘I could’ve held you back if I loved you less, but I want you to soar, Annalise. When you land and catch your breath, I just want to be your refuge. That’s all.'” – Hard to Breathe, Sylvia Day

**Received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest opinion**