A review by sromain
When Life Gives You Vampires by Gloria Duke


There were many aspects of this story I liked. I liked the characters, they were funny and interesting. I liked the plot, and I appreciated the old school version of vampires. Also thought the idea of vampire hunters unique and interesting.

What I didn't like was how fast the building climax was solved. For example the conflict with Gideon. He just backed down after her speech. The other vampires considered her words, but they didn't turn on him. He went from "I will kill you for my revenge " to "Okay I'll consider what you said" within a couple paragraphs.

It was the same with her body issues. She went from being self conscious and deeply ashamed of her body to totally excepting in the langth of a shower. Yes, I know she had a nice conversation with her mom, but that wasn't enough for me. There was no slow exceptance, a building of confidence.

I very much debated a 2 or 3 star rating. I feel like a 2.8 is where I'm sitting, which makes me sad, because I really wanted to LOVE this book. Because of the positive aspect I would give another book by Gloria Duke a try.