A review by melanieroyston
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger


The premise of this book is the only thing I liked about it. There was no climax, no resolution, not even an explanation of how Henry died or how he knew he was going to that night in the first place. The majority of the book was basically porn, which was a complete turn-off. We get it, they like each other. Add more to the plot than sex, please. Like perhaps, how time traveling affecting other people than Clare and Henry. Congrats, you won the lottery... And that's it? Surely SOMEONE would have asked something about that. And why does Henry allude to Gomez being a big part of his life? Awful, awful book. Go read something else, unless you'd enjoy being bored to tears for 500+ pages. Only gave it an entire two stars because I actually finished the stupid thing.