A review by mommyre
And Tango Makes Three by Peter Parnell, Justin Richardson


I am reading through as many banned/ challenged books as I can. All I can say is book banners, are you kidding me? Y'all. This is not a ploy to further the "gay" agenda or anything of that nature. It's about penguins who adopt a baby that would otherwise not be cared for. The penguins are, in fact, both males, but it doesn't glorify same-sex couples or whatever in the hell y'all want to call it. It's told in a very matter-of-fact manner easy for small children to understand. My six-year-old with Down syndrome said "Awwww he's so cute. Look at the penguin." She also said, "two daddies? Okay." She also reread the story to me and said, "Carousel at the zoo. I ride the carousel. Penguins need an egg. Aww, the daddies. The end." She's quite traumatized.