A review by nerdygnome
Eliza Mace by Sarah Burton, Jem Poster


I felt like I was listening to a BBC series as I listened to Eliza Mace, in a good way! Karen Cass' narration perfectly brought this Victorian mystery to life. The plot of the book centers around Eliza, a coming-of-age young woman who struggles with the strict rules, dysfunctional family, and societal expectations placed on her. When her father goes missing and is later found dead, Eliza decides it's up to her to solve the mystery of who was at fault. While there were some details that did not seem accurate to the time period, the narrative was engaging and fun if you just don't think too hard on the history.  I found the resolution to be very sudden, though, giving a little bit of an underwhelming payoff for the book's slow start. 

Thank you to Bolinda Audio, Sarah Burton, and Jem Poster for an advance copy of the audiobook for honest review.