A review by beckymmoe
The Duke of Distraction by Darcy Burke


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 3/1/19.

Felix and Sarah's story! Plus, we finally find out who wins the races... ;)

The Duke of Distraction is a friends-to-lovers/best-friend's-sister romance, and it's nicely done. The characters are very sympathetic, and as Ms. Burke throws more complications and tragedy in their direction, readers share in their heartache and root even harder for them to figure out how to get to their HEA.

Which they do--finally! Before which there were times I wanted to shake Felix as hard as I wanted to hug him, so...lucky for him he's fictional. And twice as lucky for him, he came to his senses and Sarah was right there for him. HEA for the win!

My only real complaint--why isn't the cover model wearing one of Sarah's hats? Seems like a missed opportunity there... ;)

The epilogue--and the author's note at the end--indicate that this is the end of The Untouchables series, because a spin-off is coming (to which I say yay! New series! ...but what about Anthony??? Fingers crossed he'll show up in there, because that man NEEDS an HEA of his own). Every--or almost every? I didn't count, but there were a lot of them!--of the couples from this series make an appearance at the most recent version of the annual ball that started the series, wrapping things up nicely. If you haven't read the other books yet, you might be a little overwhelmed; really, though it's a brief wrapping-up scene for the series, and you don't have to know who all of those people are. The rest of the book would work as a standalone--but why would you do that to yourself? Read them all! ;)

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.