A review by nostalgia_reader
Edison: The Mystery of the Missing Mouse Treasure by Torben Kuhlmann


An absolutely adorable and gorgeously illustrated tale about mouse inventors and explorers! Pete is a young mouse who comes to ask the Professor (an instructor at the Mouse University) for help in finding a treasure his ancestor supposedly had. After delving into the historical records, the two mice discover the treasure is buried at the bottom of the sea with a shipwreck. They both must use their scientific process to find out a way to reach the ocean floor and invent and invention that will get them there!

Not only does this cover the trial and error of inventing something, but the reveal of who Pete's ancestor helped out
Spoilerthe mouse helped Thomas Edison invent the lightbulb
adds an additional level of scientific history and education to the story.

The art is incredibly detailed and gorgeously colored, so it catches the eye and engages those of us who are more artsy inclined, and also provides many double page panels of illustrations that help tell the story where words don't. It's the perfect pairing between science, art, and writing!

I have had Kuhlmann's other books on my tbr list for some time now, and I will definitely be checking more of those out soon!!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a free copy to review!

(Cross posted on my blog.)