A review by dasenergi
Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and the Secret Sex Lives of the Stars by Scotty Bowers


Bisexual representation matters. Bisexual visibility matters. Scotty Bowers is a bisexual. He has sex with both men and women. Sometimes for money. But mostly because he enjoys sex. Most people will probably read this book for the Hollywood gossip about who was really Bi or Gay in Hollywood. And Scotty tells the dirt about many celebrities. And still I think he held back. I think there was plenty more he could have shared, but our current culture is still too puritan to accept what people do sexually. Just as Katharine Hepburn was in the closet until she died, there are so many more current celebrities who are in the closet about their bisexuality. We live in a monogamous heteronormative culture. But so many of us are not heteronormative and are not monogamous. Scotty Bowers wasn't. And the celebrities he wrote about weren't. We need to normalize sexuality. It is not a sin. No one is going to Hell. People should be free to explore their sexuality without fear or shame. Scotty Bowers is pro-sexuality. This book is pro-sexuality. Without labels. Without fear. Without shame. It's all a good time, making people happy.