A review by lifegivinglearning
Lenten Lands: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis by Douglas H. Gresham


Lenten Lands by Douglas Gresham is a book I wish I could press into everybody’s hands! I found this book through the recommendation of @momma.hailey She actually recommended Jack’s Life by Douglas Gresham. I couldn’t find that one, but I did find Lenten Lands at my sister’s library when I was visiting her for Thanksgiving.

This book is a must read for anyone who loves C. S. Lewis and his writing. The book is written by Lewis’s stepson. I’ve read quite a few of Lewis’s books, and I’ve read biographies about him. But this book provides a personal look at Lewis. It shows what he was like as a person...not an academic or a writer. Douglas shows what it was like to grow up in a home with C. S. Lewis. It shows what an amazing woman Joy Davidman was too.

This book showed me that in addition to being a good writer and a great academic, C. S. Lewis was also a deeply compassionate individual. It shows Lewis as he walks through the joys of love and family and then through the grief of death and loss. I found it to be an engaging and encouraging book. .

“...I am beginning to realize that every point in one’s life at which one loses everything is far more a beginning than an end, for one has lost merely the past, and one has yet to gain the future, and eternity itself.”