A review by kmccubbin
Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong by Norman Fischer


A fine, down to earth, take on the Tibetan practice of Lojong, the use of slogans as meditation points towards the ideal of dealing with the world more compassionately.
Lojong seems to be popping up a bit more often now that Zen Buddhism is becoming more widespread in the US and folks are realizing that there's not a great deal in the teachings to facilitate day to day compassion, that, though, being the goal, presumably. Lojong is series of exercises to help liberate you from your bad patterns and give your mind a little fortification in a more practical way than you get from most dharma.
Norman Fischer, here, delivers his take on the 59 slogans in a useful, unpretentious, often funny way and the practice as he shows it is useful in the extreme.