A review by rjlee89
Shades of Doon by Carey Corp, Lorie Langdon


Ah, I realized that one of the factors that I had missed in the second book of this series was the banter between Duncan and MacKenna. It wasn't the same here as in the first book (where I multiple times laughed so hard I cried, but some remnants were there). Without giving away anything, I fell for the red herring! I was suspicious of who the author wanted me to be suspicious until near the end when I started thinking, wait a minute. There were several satisfying scenes in the real world. Especially when the guys show up, and the hilarious mall scenes. Oh, and can't forget the epic Bob the Slob showdown. Steph and Eric's was alright. Bob's was more satisfying :X. Well done. And now, while I look forward to the next book, I'm dragging my feet since it'll also be the last one!