A review by luftschlosseule
Doctor Mirage by Magdalene Visaggio


Suddenly, Doctor Mirage can't see ghosts anymore. To fix this problem, she attempts a ritual that destroys parts of her house - and then a girl knocks, seeing her despite being heavily concealed with magic.

I don't know anything about this character or this series, and I think that this volume is a good introduction. You get to know who she is, what she can do, what her priorities are. The pacing is good, the colourful illustrations are beautiful. The hieroglyphs are real, but I am too tired to determine whether it's real Egyptian or just a jumble of symbols.

The last few pages open up a way to continue the series, and till then this volume felt like a closed story. I am sure that I will visit Doctor Mirage again in the future.

I recieved a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.