A review by onebookmore
Deflecting the Duke by Alexa Aston


Deflecting the Duke follows Wyatt Stanton, a spy-turned-duke, and Meadow Grant, a widow, both of whom want children and are looking for a spouse. Wyatt falls for Meadow pretty quickly and offers for her hand in marriage. However, Meadow wants to be courted, and Wyatt must work to prove that he is the perfect match for her.

Meadow and Wyatt are fantastic protagonists. Well-developed and interesting people who show strength and bravery, both Wyatt and Meadow have tragic pasts. In childhood, Wyatt was accused of burning down a stable, killing two dozen horses, and was abandoned by his family. Meadow was often ignored by her parents and then treated as a possession and something to be collected rather than as a person. However, neither lets their terrible trauma define them. Instead, they fight for their happiness.

Wyatt and Meadow have a fantastic romance! Meadow is a woman who knows what she wants. She didn’t have the option of choosing her first husband, as she was sold to him to pay her father’s gambling debts. So, when Wyatt comes on strong and quickly asks for Meadow’s hand, Meadow turns him down, much to his astonishment. It is rare for someone to say no to a duke, but Meadow wants to weigh her options, and she wants to be sure she is making the right decision.

Meadow and Wyatt both want children, but neither expect a marriage built on love. However, they can’t deny that their feelings for each other are strong. And I love that Wyatt has to work to earn Meadow’s love. It shows Meadow how strongly he really feels about her, and it gives them time to really get to know each other before committing to each other. This makes for a swoon-worthy romance and many delightful (and a few spicy) scenes of courtship. It also takes Wyatt down a few pegs, which is good because for a little bit he let his new title get to his head.

In addition to the romance, Meadow becomes embroiled in a horrible situation involving pornographic pictures collected by her late husband. Meadow faces manipulations, blackmail, kidnapping, potential ruin, and more, which makes her reluctant to commit to Wyatt. She doesn’t want to tarnish his reputation. However, she doesn’t account for Wyatt’s passion for her. An ex-military man, Wyatt proves capable of helping anyone in precarious situations and is intolerant of abuse and threatening behavior.

I also love the friendships, especially the one between the Turner Terrors. The found family trope is one of my favorites, and the bond that these boys, now men, developed is wonderful. The fact that they were all shunned and disowned by their families yet found kindness and acceptance at the school they attended together proves that family isn’t always the people you are bound to by blood. Meadow also develops new friendships and maintains a great friendship with her cousin, which helps her gain confidence and self-assurance.

I’m loving the Dukes Done Wrong series, and though this is the second book in the series, it can easily be read as a standalone. However, if you did read the first book, you’ll be pleased to know that the protagonists, Emery and Miles, have pertinent roles in this story as well. Thanks so much to NetGalley, Dragonblade Publishing, and Alexa Aston for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series!