A review by mythos05
Manly Appetites: Minegishi Loves Otsu, Vol. 1 by Mito


4/5 stars

I was originally going to rate this manga five stars, but after reading it for a second time, I decided to leave it at four-stars. Although I still believe that this is a very wholesome manga, there are some parts in which it's a little iffy.

Minegishi is trying to befriend and it's implied that he wants to eventually seduce his coworker, Otsu. Otsu views Minegishi as handsome, fit, and an overachiever. Due to this, Otsu gains a dislike for Minegishi. Minegishi tries his best to befriend Otsu by bringing different snacks.

Although Minegishi had the best intentions of bringing Otsu different snacks, I felt that the manga overemphasizes at times how much he likes to watch Otsu eat. It seemed like it was a fetish of his at times, which was rather weird when those moments are compared to the rest of the series. On the other hand, it seems to be the complete opposite of Minegishi. He's essentially fat, short, and has a bad attitude. In the end, I liked Otsu better than Minegishi. Even though he misunderstands the meaning of Minegishi's gifts, it ends up being funny instead of annoying. It does end up using a lot of tropes apart from the misunderstanding. I'm noticing that it's becoming more common for mangakas to use food tropes, especially when one of the MCs is fat. I wished at times that the manga would deviate away from the food and focus more on the development of the two MCs' friendship/relationship.